Victoria Program

"Learning to live Without Addictions"

The Victoria Program is a Medical and Psychological Therapy to overcome Dependency on Alcohol and/or other substances, based on the Cognitive-Behavioural Methodology and directed to the Prevention of Relapses. It is developed throughout three phases:

1. Admission
  • A series of individual and family sessions of Information, Motivation and Assessment.
  • Whenever possible, this Admission Procedure is undertaken somewhere local to the client's residence.
  • 2. Treatment
  • Ten days of intensive Residential Therapy with our unique Methodology.
  • This process is carried out in groups of four to eight people, whith a permanent medical and psychological Treatment Team, in a calm and comfortable Hotel located nearby Marbella, Spain.
  • The therapeutic components of the Program are:

    • The ABC of Addiction.- Group sessions on Behavioural Analysis of drinking alcohol, or using other drugs. This process will help the client to have a better understanding of the problem and begin to identify the solutions.
    • Rejection Therapy.- Individual sessions designed to develop a negative reaction to the abused substances and thus removing the positive expectations of alcoholic beverages and/or drugs.
    • Education.- Group sessions, with the help of a varied sellection of audio and video materials, to enphasize the consequences of drinking, or other drug abuse.
    • Relaxation & Stress Management.- The emotional discomfort is often the trigger of a relapse. In these sessions the client will learn a simple and effective procedure of physical and mental relaxation, along with visualization techniques designed to successfully prepare them to overcome risk situations.
    • Cognitive Therapy.- A series of lectures on cognitive techniques that teach the clients how to manage, and overcome, their negative moods, i. e. stress, depression, low self-esteem, etc.
    • The New You.- Individual sessions of personal goal planning to help the clients initiate the changes necessary when returning to daily life.
    • Relapse Prevention.- Group sessions that are specifically aimed to teach clients how to identify the High Risk Situations and to develop and practice positive alternative behaviours.
    3. Follow-on
  • Individual and family sessions to consolidate the changes, to supervise the evolution and to prevent relapses.
  • The Client continues for at least a year with non-residential consultations, with the same therapist, if possible, who took care of their Admission Phase.